Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself by Dr. Rhonda Houston

They call me Houston at the hospital. Sometimes they add “ Dr.” or “Dr. Miss” before Houston, but either way, I’m still Houston. As in, “Houston, we have a problem.” I work at a behavior health facility. I said I would work the trenches for a semester about 15 years ago and I’ve never left… Continue reading Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself by Dr. Rhonda Houston

Why I Am Not A Psychiatrist, #1

I love psychiatrists. Besides the fact that several of my  family members have availed themselves of psychiatric services,  I have always admired the intellect and insight required to truly “see” into another person’s mind, combined with the patience to listen, even when one is bored or otherwise preoccupied—these are skills I do not have.  When… Continue reading Why I Am Not A Psychiatrist, #1